Good things come to those who wait

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I love rumours!

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Make sure you're spending your time on those that deserve it

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In the name of Democracy, let us all unite!

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Video by: Tragedy & Hope

One of the most motivational and inspiring speeches ever given. A speech given by the great comedian, Charlie Chaplin, in the movie "The Great Dictator" (1940), an American political satire comedy-drama.

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Shouting doesn't make you right

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What type of person would you want to meet?

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Be intelligent!

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Just keep moving!

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Have you laughed today?

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If you still haven't laughed today, maybe Charlie Chaplin himself can help you. Watch this scene from the movie "Modern Times" (1936) where Charlie, without knowing, gets high on "nose powder" and saves the day:

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An interesting play on words...

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Because money cannot buy you true love or true friendships.

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Your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow

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Take a moment and listen to this inspirational song:

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Prince Ea is back with another inspirational video called: Dear Future Generations: Sorry

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A wise man once said when the rivers are all dried up and the trees cut down, man will then realise that he will not be able to eat money

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We must apply! We must do!

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It's wonderful when friends get together!

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The one thing the entire world has in common...

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